I completed two bachelor's degrees at Indiana University, studying marketing, psychology, and mathematics. Then, I completed my master's and doctorate degrees in psychology at The Ohio State University in 2018. Finally, I was a postdoctoral fellow in marketing at Vanderbilt University from 2018 to 2020. Currently, I am an assistant professor of marketing in the Driehaus College of Business at DePaul University in Chicago.
My broader research interests focus on the psychological processes and behavioral consequences of evaluations—whether something is deemed good, bad, or both, and to what extent—and subsequent social judgments. My colleagues and I examine three broad, related questions toward this end:
(1) Ambivalence—how do people perceive, manage, and act on conflicting negative and positive information?
(2) Expectations—when and why do individuals feel more or less surprised, and with what consequences?
(3) Emotionality—how, when, and why do people feel and experience emotions of varying intensity?
My colleagues include Rich Petty, Kelly Haws, Baldwin Way, Andy Luttrell, Matt Rocklage, Kendall Park, Laura Wallace, and Freeman Wu.
These collaborations have produced research that appears in Psychological Science, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Marketing Letters, the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Review of General Psychology, and Social Psychological and Personality Science, among other projects underway.
For more specific information about individual research projects, please see the link above to my cv + reprints.