geoffrey r. o. durso

hi. welcome to my website.

I am a psychological scientist, conducting research and teaching students as an assistant professor of marketing in the Driehaus College of Business at DePaul University in Chicago.

broadly, I am interested in how people evaluate and socially judge themselves and others, the brands and products they buy (or choose not to buy), and how they express their preferences in the marketplace and in society.

as examples of my own evaluations and judgments, I really like space, capybaras, standup, manatees, the blues and all sorts of music.

and, I strongly dislike mosquitos, peanut butter, and trifling behavior.

finally, I'm highly ambivalent about loving the art despite the artist, and, I'm extremely neutral toward the office.

please use the links above to learn more, and thanks for visiting! — geoff

[updated 2021-07-01]